Wednesday, June 1, 2011

20 minute Doodle: Day 2

Hello Readers,

Here is my doodle for day number 2.  This one took a little longer than 20 minutes to lay out and I still want to try a few more things out like make the text bigger and maybe put it in more of an organic layout.  I also just noticed the numbers are all out of order but there you go...20 minutes drawing....20 minutes scanning in-between baby breakfast, dancing to Yo Gabba Gabba, and a little reading in McGilly's fort.

 I think the first would make a fun announcement for  a mom having twins and the second for a thank you card front, what do you think?

This design came to mind because I have been feeling very grateful lately.  Nothing big has happened just a million little things.  The weather, McGilly's laugh, my hardworking husband, my health, my faith, my family, currant dark chocolate, the ability to begin new each day and try have to love that.  

Lovely love,




Meikel said...

I love this! I want one!